For the project partners: do you want to become more successful in business?

For the project partners: do you want to become more successful in business?

We are inviting you to the workshop lecture "The art of presentations" by a well-known European coach, multiple winner of the advertising and design contest, Yuriy Shavkunenko.

The event is held on September 22 in Moscow, the next day after the International conference in the congress centre of "Technopolis "Moscow".

The registration is on here - /events/webinars/masterstvo-prezentacii-lekciya-trening-dlya-partnerov-proekta-dvigateli-duyunova-306

Who is the workshop aimed at?

Exclusively for the partners of the project "Duyunov's motors"!
We are waiting for both the experienced partners and newcomers alike - the event will be useful for everyone who wants to get new tools for attracting investors in the project.

What is the workshop agenda?

Teaching the skills of effective public performance by a recognized professional in the field. The workshop is interactive.

Communicating with the partners from other cities and countries. This is an opportunity to get inspired by the achievements of your colleagues and make new useful acquaintances. Such events provide a powerful impetus for further personal growth.

Analyzing the mistakes in your partner activity. Analyzing and adjusting the flaws will make your business more effective.

Communicating with the leaders of the company SOLARGROUP and discussing the prospects of personal growth in the project with them.

Test drive of the motorcycle with a DA-90S motor by one of the partners of "Duyunov's motors".

What results can you achieve thanks to the workshop?

There will be a lot of practical tasks to help you train the most useful skills for making public speeches.

You will learn to understand your target audience.

You will learn how to make the right impression from the first seconds — it's a pivotal factor.

You will be able to provie information in the shortest time with the maximum impact: so that it is remembered and inspirational for the audience.

You will train to make eye-catching presentations.

WHEN: September 22 from 10 to 18.
WHERE: Moscow, SREDA LOFT, "Kurskaya" metro station, "Arma" business quarter, Nizhniy Susalny alley 5, building 4, (entrance 9).

The entrance fee is 10 dollars. The payment is made from the back office account.

Grow and improve your efficiency together with us!