Discover new countries with SOLARGROUP!

Discover new countries with SOLARGROUP!

Are you ambitious? Is recognition and fulfilling your ample potential important to you? And in your wildest dreams, you have already taken responsibility for your country?

Now everyone has the opportunity to make this dream come true.

International financial services company SOLARGROUP is expanding globally! We are opening up new markets in the regions and developing the ones that we have already tapped into. Our global goal is to preserve the planet and bring prosperity to everyone.

We need someone willing to walk the path with us. The one not afraid of big money, fame and public recognition. A person who believes in their management potential and wants professional and career development in a big team. That's right - we are looking for a national partner!

And that is you if:

• you have already achieved the "Expert" partner status or are ready to do so in the near future;
• you are engaged in partner business on a full-time basis;
• you have experience of managing people (teams);
• you have already shown good personal and team sales performance and understand how the timing of funding the project depends on sales efficiency;
• you know how to use Google Workspace, ZOOM;
• you want to be part of the team, to develop together with the company;
• you share and are willing to communicate the values and goals of SOLARGROUP;
• you are open to new experiences and not afraid of responsibility;
• you have a positive outlook on life and people.

Recognizing yourself? Do you know someone who fits this description? Then feel free to apply for the position or recommend a candidate. These are the tasks a national partner is to tackle:

• organising online and offline presentation events,
• organising regular effective work of partners,
• interacting with external counterparties on behalf of the company,
• information and technical support for customers,
• administration of official media sources,
• collecting and communicating feedback from customers to the company.

And for doing this, a generous reward is offered to the national partner. It varies from 2% to 4% of the region's total turnover, depending on meeting the payment target. The maximum income of a national partner in the history of the project exceeds $ 23,000 per month. But you can break this record!

In addition, a national partner gets the following from the company:

• corporate tools for the job,
• direct access to the management,
• participation in corporate events,
• corporate training,
• financial, legal and information support.

And we'll start with support! If, for example, you or your candidate do not yet hold the "Expert" status, we can help you achieve it more quickly.

Dare to live your dream! And share this chance with others.

If you are ready to act yourself or suggest a candidate, send your CV to Pavel Shadskiy, Commercial Director of SOLARGROUP, to Remember to write a cover letter!