One of the most active investors of the project about the SOLARGROUP lottery

One of the most active investors of the project about the SOLARGROUP lottery

He's already become the ultimate lucky winner of the lottery. SOLARGROUP investor and partner Alexander Aladyev from Samara won several prizes in each of the preliminary rounds, as well as a Denzel Liberty electric motorcycle with a "Slavyanka" based motor.

As a stock trading specialist, he approaches finances and investments thoughtfully. Since the early stages, Alexander has invested over $ 500,000 in the project "Duyunov's motors" and has become one of the most active investors. He also supports the project by participating as a partner in the business club and sponsoring promotional campaigns.

We spoke to Alexander and learnt the main secret of his luck in the lottery.

— Alexander, do the lotteries by SOLARGROUP motivate you to invest more?

— Not anymore, because a simple monthly payment for the package automatically places me in the top 100 members and more than likely contributes to getting at least one winning coupon. It doesn't matter what bonus it will be, in my case it's always the maximum possible win.

— Which lottery prize has been the most valuable to you?

— Extra shares, of course.

— How are you going to dispose of the "Slavyanka" based motorcycle?

— I've never owned a motorbike, let alone one with this kind of technology. And I am going to change that.

— What do you wish for the investors, partners and founders of the project?

— If I had been asked a similar question about the project in 2017, I would have said the following to investors, "Invest as much as you are prepared to lose." Now the answer is different: "Invest to the max, otherwise you will lose the opportunity to gain to the max". Projects like this are very rare and the opportunity to participate in them is rare, perhaps once in a lifetime. I wish everyone patience, health and success in the New Year! I predict it will be very successful for all of us.

We remind you that the SOLARGROUP lottery is still going on. The final round and the raffle for the grand prize — an electric car — are ahead. If you're on the list of finalists, invest actively in January and get more coupons!