SOLARGROUP New Year's lottery is about to end

SOLARGROUP New Year's lottery is about to end

December 31 is the last day when you can get a coupon to participate in the SOLARGROUP New Year's lottery. We will raffle off one $ 15,000 package and ten $ 1,000 packages among the coupon holders.

A coupon is issued for each $ 250 spent in the back office for purchasing investment shares from December 8 to December 31 inclusive. This can be a single payment or a series of payments totaling $ 250.

The number of coupons is not limited. The more of them you have, the better your chances of winning one or even more prize packages.

The raffle of packages will be held on January 10.

Learn more about the New Year's lottery by clicking here.

Hurry up and participate in the lottery!
Especially since December 31 is also the last day of project funding phase 17 and the high discount on investment shares, which will be reduced with the transition to stage 18. You can learn more about the stage change and the achievements by following this link.

In addition, on December 31, the offer to upsize a repaid package expires.

So investing today is triple the profit!