Scientific and popular scientific publications about "Slavyanka"

Scientific and popular scientific publications about "Slavyanka"

The "Slavyanka" technology has a strong scientific ground. The team of "SovElMash" includes PhD holders, post-graduate students of higher educational institutions. The leading employees of the company conduct scientific work the results of which are regularly published in specialized Russian periodicals. Independent experts also couldn't pass over Duyunov's technology. Let's talk about the most interesting publications in the course of the recent years about "Slavyanka" in scientific and popular scientific periodicals.

In many of them, the problem of energy efficiency of electric motors, which is very acute for Russia, is raised.

Thus, the journal "Inventor and Rationalizer" published several articles on this topic and described how the combined winding technology helps to save electrical power. It provides graphs of comparative tests of standard induction motors and motors with "delta-star"windings as a proof of energy efficiency of the motors modernized using "Slavyanka".

The topic of energy efficiency of urban electric transport is raised in the journal
PROTransport -
The author of the article explains in detail why Russian cities need modernization in this area. He also informs readers about the successful examples of using the innovative technology "Slavyanka" for transport.

The specialized periodical "Electricity: transmission and distribution" published an article on how changing the design of induction motor winding can improve the reliability of the power grid — . The article is interesting not only because it provides data on the tests and studies of electric drives with "Slavyanka", but also the analysis of the reasons why it is so difficult for the innovative technology to make its way in Russia. The article presents the experience of the United States where the need to modernize the system was realized and a program for repairing induction motors at industrial enterprises was launched. The authors of the publication write what steps should be taken in Russia in the context of widespread wear of electric motors and power systems and their low energy efficiency.

There is an interesting publication in the journal "Natural and Technical Sciences" as of April 2019 . It describes how the "Slavyanka" technology can be used in the field of micro-and nanoelectronics to grow higher-quality single-crystal silicon. The use of combined windings in the electric drive of a rotating unit in which crystals are produced reduces vibration and, as a result, improves the quality of the produced material.

For those who want to thoroughly understand the "Slavyanka" technology, we recommend reading an article published in the journal "Defense complex - for scientific and technical progress of Russia" in April 2018 . The scientific publication is devoted to the method of studying motors, the way of determining the resistance of windings and it also provides calculation formulas. The further developments of "SovElMash" are based exactly on this data.

You can find more information about these and other publications in Russian on the website of the company "SovElMash"

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