Key events of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Key events of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Guests at the "Sovelmash" construction site

On February 8, a group of SOLARGROUP's leading partners, investors and employees — about 30 people from Russia and other countries — visited the "Sovelmash" construction site.

Alexander Sudarev and Evgeniy Duyunov gave a tour of the engineering centre. For the first time, the "Sovelmash" testing laboratory was open to the public. Some investors visited the D&E territory for the first time. The rest were able to see the construction progress with their own eyes.

SOLARGROUP lottery results

On February 7, we summed up the results of the 4-month lottery. SOLARGROUP's live webinar featured a raffle of an electric car between the final round participants.

The grand prize went to an investor from Russia, one of the very first participants in the project.

You can view the results of the lottery, an interview with the winner, and the entire webinar with SOLARGROUP's executives Sergey Semyonov and Pavel Filippov here.

Closing the discount subscription

This week is the last one to purchase a new package at the discount of your current installment plan or the one you fully repaid less than a month ago.

On February 16, the discount subscription will be withdrawn.

Hurry up and save your discount before this opportunity expires!