How can one earn money from a partner program without having any skills? | Partner Work Methodology

How can one earn money from a partner program without having any skills? | Partner Work Methodology

What skills does one need? Partners do two things: attract new people to the project and control their partner structure.

Attracting new people, potential customers means sharing information about the project with them. This can be done online and offline. It's easier to get started online. Post information about the project wherever you think necessary or convenient (YouTube, VKontakte, Telegram, etc.). Add your referral link. Your referral links can be found here. Everyone who registers through it is part of your partner structure. Those who invest while being in it generate your referral income.

What can you share? Any information from here. Any news or event! Video, photo and text content.

Generating content on your own isn't necessary unless you're ready or would like to. You don't need to know any languages - you can choose any language in the back office.

You may be asked questions or you might want to discuss the project in more detail with someone. Answering correctly is easier if you study the project a bit. There's "Knowledge Base" for that. Don't worry if the customer doesn't speak your language. As evidenced in practice, online translators are quite sufficient.

And also in the back office, there is a checklist of partner's actions - it comprises absolutely all actions that can be performed by a partner at each stage of their activity.

Also, you might want to look into "Partner Work Methodology". Here's more about what we mentioned at the beginning: how to attract customers and control your partner structure. And about how to increase your income and advance your career.

It is easy to control your structure in the "For Partners" section. See. Here you can find everything about your structure, tools and analytics.

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