Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

"Sovelmash" D&E construction

• The internal finishing of the upper floors in the office and amenity building reached its final stage.
• 80% of the tiling work on the third floor of the production building was completed over the week. This is a record-high rate of progress in terms of timing and volume for the entire construction period.
• Furniture was assembled in the dining facility.
• Installation of fencing started around the dry cooling towers.
• Preparations for asphalt paving were underway: the ground was compacted and crushed stone was spread.
• Work continued on the installation of ventilation and cooling system, the second water supply connection, construction of a protective screen on the site, and other tasks were also in progress, including the preparation of documents for obtaining the certificate of construction completion.

"Sovelmash" developments

The frame for the "Moth" quadcopter was made and other activities were carried out, too.

Back office news

New features were added to the "Support" section. Now you can share an idea on how to improve the back office and point out a mistake in a special unit. Our experts will consider all of your submissions.

Current offers

Let us remind you of the offers that will increase your benefit from investing in the project.

A 5% discount on payments of $ 100 or more for early repayment up to and including July 31.
Opportunity to restore installment payments cancelled in 2019 up to and including June 30.
Friendly promo code for 10% of bonus shares when buying a new package until the end of stage 19.

Information about all the offers in the project is available in the back office.

Use and invest with maximum profit!