Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

On September 16, the most anticipated event of the year for all the project participants took place: the SOLARGROUP International Conference in Moscow. There, we talked about the progress and plans of the project, announced the key news and funding results, showed the "Slavyanka" based vehicles and the companies' documents.

In the near future we will tell you more about what the conference was like. A recording of the event broadcast is available here.

One of the key news from the conference was the extension of the "Thank You" offer at the numerous requests of the investors and partners in the project. Earlier it was planned to end it on September 15, so the offer was briefly suspended. But now you can take advantage of it until September 30 inclusive.

The details of the offer can be found here.

The investors and partners from different countries visited the "Sovelmash" construction site as part of the SOLARGROUP conference agenda. They were given a tour of the site by Alexander Sudarev. They also had a chance to talk to Dmitriy Duyunov.

The guests' visits did not interfere with the construction process, which was going on as usual.

• Preparations for asphalt paving were carried out on a separate section of the construction site.
• Telemetry, lighting and other low-current cables were put into trenches.
• Preparations were underway for drilling under the roadway, which is needed to connect the storm water drainage system to the central mains.
• Work continued on the heat distribution station, internal finishing in the office and amenity building, installation of internal engineering networks and ventilation, as well as other activities.

Follow our news to keep abreast of the progress in the project "Duyunov's motors".