Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Over the past week, the "Sovelmash" construction site has become considerably more landscaped.

• Asphalt paving continued in some areas. Others, particularly in front of the main entrance to the D&E building, were being backfilled with crushed stone.
• The heating system was concreted and waterproofing was carried out.
• Preparations were underway to install lighting, telemetry, video surveillance and other utility cables.
• The site was being cleared of construction debris.
• Construction materials were being delivered.

The following work was carried out inside the D&E building:

• finishing of the premises in the office and amenity building,
• installation of fire extinguishing system pipes,
• piping and welding of pipes for the heat distribution point.

But "Sovelmash" wasn't engaged in the construction activities alone. The company's specialists were busy designing, manufacturing and setting up the equipment to get the building up and running as quickly as possible.

We remind you that each of you can accelerate the "Sovelmash" D&E construction. Especially since the project is running the "Thank You" offer until August 15 inclusive. It certainly features beneficial conditions for you.

Besides, we offer a fixed dollar exchange rate in the back office until August 15. $ 1 = ₽ 90.

Hurry up to take advantage of the most beneficial conditions!