Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

The "Sovelmash" construction site is changing in appearance day by day. The scale of earthwork is amazing and their pace is truly breeding optimism.

We are sharing with you the main processes and results of the "Sovelmash" D&E construction over the week.

• The final section of the heating pipeline for the"Sovelmash" D&E was fitted. This will allow work to commence on backfilling the trays and ground levelling of the area through which the heating pipeline runs.
• The area at the main entrance to the building was being prepared for asphalt paving. The wells were put in place, the ground was levelled, the geotextile was installed and backfilling with sand was done.
• A chamber was installed to connect water supply to the building. Cold water supply is being connected to enable the fire safety system to operate. All the lines have been connected to provide cold water supply.
• The grounding work was in progress.
• Outside the construction site, the earthwork was being carried out to connect the heating pipeline.
• Inside the building, the equipment for the heat distribution station was being installed. The heat supply line was being installed in the O&A building, too.
• The power supply system was being distributed to the premises.
• On July 22, asphalt paving started. The heating pipeline outside the construction site was connected.

"Sovelmash" is to complete the main scope of construction work in Q3 2023. The pace of construction depends on the rate of funding the project. To accelerate it, we have launched a new offer named "Thank You".

It includes personalised options absolutely for each investor in the project. For newcomers, it's $ 25 on the first investment and an additional "minus 1 stage" discount. For those who have already invested - bonus shares for upsizing and buying a package, as well as for early repayment. There are also preferential terms and conditions for restoring an installment plan.

You're bound to find benefits for yourself! The offer is valid until August 15 inclusive. If the target funds are raised sooner, it will end sooner

Hurry to explore and take advantage of the offer.