Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Throughout the whole week, preparations were in full swing at the "Sovelmash" construction site to supply heat to the D&E building.

• Waterproofing the entire perimeter of the first floor in the testing and production part of the building was performed, after which the builders would begin pouring the finish concrete floor that the heating equipment is to be installed on.
• The main gate of the building and most of the doors are installed, which means that the thermal envelope is virtually closed.
• On the third floor, the installation of interior partitions and the formation of utility rooms for the ventilation system are underway, the ventilation grilles are already being mounted there.

Learn more about the construction progress from the video here.

Heat supply for the building requires timely funding. We remind you that until August 31 inclusive, the project has an offer to raise funds for laying the engineering utilities. Take advantage of the most beneficial investment conditions in the history of the project. You can find more about the offer here.

On August 26, the Zelenograd newspaper "41" wrote about "Sovelmash" as part of the article about the "Army-2022" forum. The periodical reported on the "Sovelmash" developments that had been presented at the exhibition, highlighting the modernized electric vehicle based on the BTR-80 armoured personnel carrier.

You can read the article "Zelenograd Rocked It at the Prestigious Exhibition" by following the link - on page 6.

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