Tests of the brushless motor in "Sovelmash" laboratory

Tests of the brushless motor in "Sovelmash" laboratory

Any organization engaged in developing innovative products that is at the forefront of its field needs to test ideas and hypotheses. Therefore, the main task of the "Sovelmash" laboratory is to conduct motor tests.

The "Sovelmash" laboratory is equipped with modern equipment that enables testing with high accuracy.

Recently, it has been visited by the representatives of "Motochrome" to test the electric motor. Here is what the company's employee Aleksey Mishukov tells about this experience:

"Our company is engaged in developing and manufacturing customized brushless electric motors: motors that operate both on the surface for driving electric vehicles, engineering equipment, production mechanisms, and motors that operate under special conditions (under water, in oil and other environments). We have known about "Sovelmash" for a quite long time from a wide range of sources. We came here to test the traditional permanent magnet brushless motor that we are currently developing for the customer, under various loads and modes. This electric motor has 2 pairs of poles with a diameter of about 150 mm and a power of up to 5 kW. It will drive a hydraulic pump and operate under specified conditions. Today, thanks to the "Sovelmash" laboratory, the efficiency factor (efficiency) has been measured at various revolutions and loads. Now we can draw conclusions about the correctness of the electric motor calculations and adjust its winding.

The "Sovelmash" laboratory has its own measuring instruments, with the help of which all the parameters are displayed in one form on the measurement panel. The parameters include the current consumed by the voltage, the efficiency, the load created by the load bench, etc. With the help of the measuring instruments the "Sovelmash" laboratory has, all the calculations are performed automatically and there is no need to record the parameters manually and then recalculate them in Excel. In such a laboratory, you can also get certificates if the terms of reference contain requirements for certification and metrology. I hope that our today's visit will be a starting point for further fruitful cooperation with "Sovelmash".

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