Media coverage of the project: what was done in 2021

Media coverage of the project: what was done in 2021

The project "Duyunov's motors" in 2021 developed systematically and progressed toward its goal despite the global economic crisis. This is evidenced by the key events that occurred in the project over the past year. We have collected information about them in the presentation at

The main result of the year is the finished frame and almost closed outline of the building for the "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department. The progress on the construction site is visible to everyone, but it would not have been possible without the less noticeable routine work of the project team. A significant part of this work is the popularization of the project around the world.

To that end, SOLARGROUP held hundreds of online and offline events and produced dozens of informational materials, news and videos in 2021. The extent of the work done can be seen in the statistics.

•  900 webinars in 15 countries. Webinars are broadcast live in 11 languages weekly for most countries. Their participants learn the project news, get answers to their questions firsthand. There are different formats of webinars, which allows to shed light on different aspects of the project in detail.

• 325 "live" presentation meetings. They were especially active in African countries, where the national representative offices operate in 7 countries.

• 14 conferences. These large-scale offline and online events were held either to celebrate the opening of SOLARGROUP's national representative offices, or in those countries where representative offices were opened earlier.

• 450 text news releases published and 1,389 email newsletters sent during the year. All these materials were translated into 22 languages. Thus, the project participants around the world received up-to-date information about all significant events and profitable offers.

• 125 videos. Thanks to them, you watched the D&E building grow, the national representative offices open, new developments with "Slavyanka" appear, and much more. All the videos are available on the project channel here
In 2022, we will continue to tell you in detail about the construction of the "Sovelmash" D&E and other events. 
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