Breaking news from "Sovelmash" D&E construction site

Breaking news from "Sovelmash" D&E construction site

Today, the builders have started casting in concrete the last "map" of the interfloor slabs on the third floor of the production building. Thus, by the end of the day, the casting of the interfloor slabs in both the production and office-and-amenity buildings of the D&E will be completed.
 The specialists are installing the insulation and exterior sandwich panels along the left wall of the production building above the first single-storey extension. This enables starting the installation of the extension roof.
 The joints between the roof and the wall began to get sealed.
 The first sandwich panels of the partitions on the third floor of the production building were mounted on the installed metal frames.
 The firebreak wall between the production and office-and-amenity buildings was completed. 
 The materials for equipping the production building are being lifted to the third floor. Almost the entire floor is already stocked with these materials and the equipment. 
 In the mid-week, the construction site was visited by the heads of the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow", where the "Sovelmash" D&E is being built. They got an insight into the construction progress and talked with the company's representatives. According to Dmitriy Duyunov, “they were especially surprised that the main engineering equipment was not just ordered, but already manufactured and delivered to the site. And also the fact that the specialized technological equipment has already been purchased and is operating on the leased premises. That there are already real results of the developments."
 You will soon see in our video reports how the "Sovelmash" D&E building has changed over the past week - follow the news!