Where can I find more information about SOLARGROUP?

Where can I find more information about SOLARGROUP?

We have launched the official website https://solar.group .
All the information about the company's activities is now collected in one place.

Do you want to earn money on investments? Visit the website to find out how SOLARGROUP can help you do this.

In the section "For Investors", you can find out what benefits our project participants get, there is also video feedback from the investors and photos of SOLARGROUP's conferences.

The section "For Partners" describes how partners earn by promoting the company's projects, what the features and benefits of our partner program are. Here you can find reviews about the cooperation with SOLARGROUP written by our successful partners from different countries.

The section "For Projects" describes how the company helps promising innovative startups get funding and what the scope of services SOLARGROUP offers is. You can find out what startups can apply for cooperation with the company. You can submit a request for an audit of your project directly on the website if the project meets the selection criteria. This section also briefly describes the current project "Duyunov's motors" and contains links to publications about it in mass media.

The section "About Us" contains information about the company, including a description of the mission and SOLARGROUP's documents. Besides, here you can find links to all the official resources of the company in 11 languages.

The "News" section provides up-to-date information about the events in SOLARGROUP's life and its projects.

The website will be gradually translated into 21 languages and will be particularly useful for SOLARGROUP's partners.
Send a link to the resource to your friends and acquaintances so that they can learn more about the company's activity!