"This is something totally new!"

"This is something totally new!"

Our partners in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, described what they imagine the project "Duyunov's motors" and SOLARGROUP to be like.

It's something everyone should see! Both those who are already in the project and those who are just contemplating their opportunities in it.

Ordinary people share their thoughts on the future, crowdinvesting and the environment. They also talk about the Pioneers group - strong people who were looking for a way to change their lives and the lives of others in the country. And they have found that way! To find out how, watch this video. All members of the group are participants in the project "Duyunov's motors".

You will also discover why the people in Abidjan asked SOLARGROUP to open an office in their country. The office was opened on March 2, 2023.

Every partner, in every country, encounters idle project participants who find it very difficult to make a decision - sometimes for over a year. How are this and other issues handled in Abidjan? See for yourself.

We thank the team of partners from Abidjan who took part in making the video! Such feedback from partners is very valuable. It is important for participants, investors and partners of the project to share their experience of dealing with complicated issues and communicating information about the project - to each other and to the whole world!

As one of our partners in Abidjan says: "If your project is the best, you must promote it!"