Clean energy: electricity from the air

Clean energy: electricity from the air

We continue telling you about the meetings that SOLARGROUP holds with developers of innovative technologies. Sometimes the inventors' breadth of mind simply leaves us speechless making us doubt the feasibility of a technology. That's where the test results step in confirming the true efficiency of the idea and its ability to be implemented into something large-scale.

This time we want to ask you a question: do you believe in the feasibility of creating an infinite source of renewable energy that can be made simply from the air? We had to ask ourselves the same question at a meeting with an amazing person - Yuri Evgenievich Vinogradov, the inventor of an isothermal converter of ambient heat into direct electric current.

His theory and subsequent creation of a working model of a "perpetual motion machine of the second kind" based on the laws of thermodynamics prove that nature has long offered us a permanent source of clean energy - a robust alternative to the fuels known to mankind the production of which destroys the planet's environment.

The new fuel-free environment energy (EE) is perfectly environmentally friendly, allows you to build a distributed network of power generating sources of any capacity, and does not entail fire and radiation hazards. To establish a continuous flow of EE, it is enough to prepare and install special converters that convert the ambient air heat into mechanical work or electricity. The air cools, and moisture from it gets condensed. To generate energy, the ambient temperature must be above -70 °C, which means that EE technology can be applied almost all around the planet!

The current model of the condenser authored by Yuri Vinogradov proves the fundamental feasibility of creating a new energy industry: the experimental findings are consistent with the theory. According to Vinogradov's plans, the specific cost of new energy units will not exceed 3 thousand rubles per 1 kW of power, and the specific weight - 0.6 kg per 1 kW.

The author's calculations show that his condensers can produce about 100 W of energy per 1 square centimeter of the working surface. Now imagine the amount that can be obtained from thousands of new energy converters created using Vinogradov's method!

The cost-effectiveness of activity related to the production and maintenance of EE units will be at least 220 %. Making green energy from the air can create an entire energy industry reducing the cost of energy for consumers by more than 3 times. The global implementation of Yuri Vinogradov's solution can save the world economy $ 24 billion annually which is currently spent on burning all types of fuels. And now imagine the benefits of switching to eco-friendly energy production for the environment!
There are no alternatives to this invention abroad. SOLARGROUP's management have already had several meetings with Vinogradov to study the technology he developed. And today we are telling you about it.