Andrey Lobov on testing an electric kart with a "Slavyanka" based motor

Andrey Lobov on testing an electric kart with a "Slavyanka" based motor

Installing an innovative motor on a vehicle is only half the battle. It's harder and just as important to fine-tune the vehicle to make the motor show its full potential.

The specialists of the "Resurs" production cooperative set themselves the task to make a high-speed and reliable electric kart, which will be superior to its gasoline and electric counterparts. We've repeatedly shown you the tests of the DA-95S-powered kart, after each of which the vehicle was fine-tuned.

In this video, Andrey Lobov shares how challenging the process of testing vehicles can be. And why his dream of accelerating the kart to 100 km/h remains a dream for now.

We wish Andrey and his team success in achieving the most ambitious goals, because thanks to their efforts businesses and users get introduced to the "Slavyanka" based motors!

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