SOLARGROUP opened its office in Gagnoa on July 8

SOLARGROUP opened its office in Gagnoa on July 8

The opening was attended by 50 people. This is a great turnout that shows a lot of interest in the project and the need for an office.

The guests included investors and newcomers. As well as the partners of SOLARGROUP from Gagnoa, Abidjan and San-Pédro. Barbara Sacca-Kina, assistant to a national partner, came from Benin.

The guests were addressed by:

• Gilles Weber, national partner of SOLARGROUP in 9 countries including Côte d'Ivoire,
• Pacôme Mea, national vice partner in Côte d'Ivoire,
• leading partners Saturnin Yapo and Yanfigue Toure.

The event was filmed by Business 24 TV channel, which regularly covers our events in Côte d'Ivoire.

We raffled off T-shirts and caps in the brand colours of SOLARGROUP among the participants. And the top three lucky winners got $ 100 packages at a discount of stage 18. The gifts and treats turned the ceremony of opening the office into a celebration for the guests. That added up to the work of the organising partners who presented the project, registered participants and answered their questions.

Watch the video of the office opening here. The photo report of the event is available here.

The team of SOLARGROUP partners will hold regular presentations of the project and meetings for partners in the new office. This approach has already proven effective in Abidjan and other cities around the world.