The third round of the SOLARGROUP lottery starts on December 1

The third round of the SOLARGROUP lottery starts on December 1

The second round of our lottery has been completed. Up to December 10 inclusive, we will raffle off an electric motorcycle with a "Slavyanka" based motor as well as investment shares among all investors of the project "Duyunov's motors" who received coupons in November.
You can watch the video of the raffle on the lottery's landing page.

The 100 people who collect the most coupons in the second round will qualify for the finals, in which we will raffle off an electric car.

Starting today, the third round of the lottery begins. It will run up to and including December 31, followed by the final stage in January. The third preliminary round is the last opportunity to win the same prizes as in the first two rounds.

Let us remind you of the terms and conditions

• You get 1 coupon for every $ 100 in actual investment or for every $ 100 invested by someone personally invited by you. It's important to invite that person via a referral link to the lottery's landing page!

• We award $ 10 cashback for every $ 100 invested. You can spend it to pay for your investment package up to and including January 31.

More detailed terms and conditions as well as your referral link are available here.

Participate actively from day one to accelerate the project funding and increase your chance of winning!