New "SovElMash" equipment and Igor Korkhov's ElLada

New "SovElMash" equipment and Igor Korkhov's ElLada

Interesting statistics by BusinesStat says that by 2023 the sales volume of electric motors will be almost 10 billion items per year which is 19.4% higher that the 2018 figure. Very handy, taking into consideration the main activity of the project "Duyunov's motors" aimed at making effective, reliable modern electric motors, isn't it?

Besides, "SovElMash" is expanding - both in terms of new premises and new equipment. Additional premises have been leased where the winding area will be located and where both the already owned and new ordered equipment will be moved. For the record, recently the new laser unit has been delivered.

Despite the sequence of the May holidays, some team members continue to work and conduct interesting experiments. We mean Igor Korkhov and his ElLada.

Igor aims at conducting a series of activities resulting in domestically produced car consuming 65-70 W⋅h per 1 kilometre at the speed of 40-50 km/h. We are looking forward to getting news from Igor Korkhov about the results of this work.

And now watch the video to learn more about the above listed news and not only.