Entering a new orbit: results of the year in the project "Duyunov's motors»

Entering a new orbit: results of the year in the project "Duyunov's motors»

In the outgoing year of 2019, our project has made a huge leap in its development!

Let's remember the key events of the year that allowed the project to make this breakthrough.

The company "SovElMash" is the resident of a special economic zone, OOO "Technopolis "Moscow"

The official signing of the documents took place on February 15, 2019. The company leased a land lot on the "Alabushevo" site.
This is the most important stage in the history of the project! The SEZ resident status means recognition and support at the governmental level, tax benefits and special working conditions.
In June, a trilateral agreement on the construction of the design and engineering department was signed between "SovElMash", the general contractor BLOCK and "Technopolis "Moscow". The preparatory activities for the construction have been started on the site of the future innovative center and outside it too: the hoarding was erected, the information banner was installed, and the steelworks are being made..
In the outgoing year, the team of "SovElMash" carried out a huge amount of work on the preparation of the architectural and construction project after the approval of which by the state expert review the construction activities will start directly on the site.

the new advances and developments of "SovElMash"

During the year, the company expanded its working premises and staff, received new equipment, launched its own website in the Russian and foreign languages - all of this helped it confirm the high standard of its work and significantly advance in the implementation of the project goal.

On August 30, the laboratory received a state expert review certificate, which means the official recognition of the results of all subsequent tests on its territory.

Let's remember the most important developments of the team of engineers which were completed in the course of 2019.
An electric motor of energy efficiency class IE3 was created in the frame of IE1 motor (6-pole size 90 machine with 750 revolutions). No one in the world has ever done this before!
Motors modernized using the "Slavyanka" technology in the case of IE1 motor, in the course of the laboratory tests also demonstrated classes IE3 and IE4, which is an official confirmation of the efficiency and uniqueness of the Duyunov's technology.
In the autumn, the controller developed by "SovElMash" was fine-tuned, thanks to it the equipment with Duyunov's motors will be able to show its top performance.
In December this year, "SovElMash" received a new patent for the invention of an energy-efficient inverted induction machine, confirming that this development has an absolute world novelty!

In addition, the company once again demonstrated its reliability and legitimate activity, flawlessly passing the audit review in the beginning of the year.

The company SOLARGROUP became the co-founder of "SovElMash" with a share of 49.5%

This long-awaited event for the project's investors took place on July 5.

The spread of the "Slavyanka" technology in Asia

ASPP Weihai Technology has started a number of new projects using motors modernized using the combined winding technology.

South Korea ordered a batch of 10,000 electric motorcycles and scooters with DA-90S and DA-100S motors from Victor Arestov's company.

In Thailand, the motors with "Slavyanka" were tested in the University of Bangkok and received the highest rating compared to their rivals. Soon, the modernized motors will be used for equipping Thai tuk-tuks. Also in Thailand, a project was launched to convert traditional Thai boats with diesel motors into boats powered by solar panels and Duyunov's electric motors. A prototype of such a boat was demonstrated to the Prime Minister of the country.

In India, the development of tuk-tuks with solar panels and combined winding motors is underway.

The strategy of the national representative offices and boom of the International conferences in the project: there were 9 of them during the year!

Almost all the conferences were devoted to opening the national representative offices. In less than a year, we have organized them in 7 countries: France, Côte d'Ivoire, Germany, Bulgaria, India, Hungary and Vietnam.

The dynamics of the conferences is demonstrable! The very first opening of the national representative office in France on June 8 gathered a little more than 3 dozens people. Less than 2 months later, about 250 guests took part in a similar event in Côte d'Ivoire. And in November, about 1000 participants arrived in India for the International conference! This event became the most large-scale in the history of the project.

Two more major conferences were held on February 16 and September 21, 2019 in Moscow. Both of them were dedicated to the important stages in the development of the project and gathered about 500 participants each.

The results of the national representative office strategy exceeded all expectations: the foreign investors have become very active in the recent months, and the investment flow from abroad is already more than 50% of the amount of funding received during the entire existence of the project "Duyunov's motors".

The countries statistics is demonstrable. If in 2017 there was an overwhelming number of investors from Russia (more than 80%), in 2018 the popularity of the project abroad increased, which was reflected in the figures (only 57% of Russian investors). In 2019, this trend has become a key one: the share of new foreign investors in the project increased to 82% at the end of the year! The leap of India and Vietnam is particularly striking: Indians have become the leaders in the number of investors (27.5% against 3.3% in 2018), and the Vietnamese share the second place with Russia (18% against less than 1% in 2018).
Russia still keeps the lead for the entire existence of the project, but Russian investors are already less than half of the total number of the project investors.

Many languages of the project

It became much more convenient for the participants of "Duyunov's motors" from different countries to invest and get information about the project. This is due to the fact that we have launched the technical support in English, German, French, Vietnamese and Hindi. News about the project published in the back office is translated into 20 languages!

Besides, we have increased the number of payment systems in the back office, thus expanding the investment opportunities.

All of the mentioned events and well-coordinated work of the project team helped reach new heights. The numbers tell about our achievements best of all.
If we compare December 2019 against December 2018:
- there is a more than 2-fold increase in the number of sold investment packages (26,000 against 11,448),
- the number of registered users in the project increased more than 1.5 times (219,000 against 132,573),
- the number of investors increased by 2.5 times (22,000 against 9,414).

The key events that took place in 2019 demonstrate the main positive trends of the year in the project.

- Recognition of the power and prospects of the project at the governmental level in Russia reflected in the status of the special economic zone resident and the start of the innovative center construction.
- Rapid development of the project in the world thanks to the successful work of the national partners.
- Improvement of the production and motor testing methods in "SovElMash".

The main goal for the next year is, of course, to complete the project funding. The team of "Duyunov's motors" sets a number of tasks the implementation of which has already begun: construction of the innovative center, opening new national representative offices, development of cooperation with the partners from India and China, and more.

Thank you, dear investors and partners, for your support and trust in the project "Duyunov's motors"! All of these achievements are our common and would not have been achieved without you.
We hope that in the coming year we will continue to move forward towards our goal hand in hand!