We are completing the "Sovelmash" D&E construction this summer!

We are completing the "Sovelmash" D&E construction this summer!

More investments mean earlier dividends. "Sovelmash" needs the funding right now to complete the engineering center's construction as soon as possible. That's why we reward those who repay their installment plans early.

Until July 31 inclusive, the project offers a 5% discount for early repayment of $ 100 or more.

Check out the details of the offer by following this link.

Important! To get the discount, be sure to select "Early Repayment" when covering several monthly installment payments at once.

In May, you actively used a similar offer, thanks to which "Sovelmash" collected a record amount of investment over the month. This helped to speed up the construction activities.

The interior finishing of the upper floors, installation of the ventilation and cooling systems are on the home stretch. Installation of furniture and accommodation of employees at their workplaces are in full swing.

The remaining tasks to be tackled include:

• paving all layers of asphalt where temporary surface covering was formed last year;
• reconstructing the chamber where the second cold water supply inlet will be connected;
• removing temporary power supply cables and restoring the substation footings;
• installing 40 foundations for the noise shield and the shield itself.

We are just a step away from the construction completion, after which the facility will be put into operation and the final funding stage will begin, at which we plan to eliminate incentive offers. So, take advantage of them now while you still have the opportunity!