2023 construction video timeline

2023 construction video timeline

In 2023, the "Sovelmash" engineering centre was transformed: the empty frame of the building was filled with equipment, light, water, heat and many other creature comforts.

Watch the video where we show the construction progress and explain what key construction tasks were completed over the previous year. The main one was connecting the utilities, which enabled the completion of the main outdoor work.

Along with the construction, the process equipment was being commissioned throughout the year, and workplaces for employees were being formed. The construction continues — and the enterprise has already begun to spring to life. The laboratory and various areas were put into operation, and design engineers continued to work on developments. "Sovelmash" did everything possible to get the D&E up and running as early as possible.

The construction completion rate, the start-up of the enterprise and the further success of the project depend on your support and investments!