"Lessons from Experts": Massimiliano Vivian Rossini

"Lessons from Experts": Massimiliano Vivian Rossini

Dear friends! The School of Partnership Excellence continues its work. The national partner of SOLARGROUP in Peru and Ecuador, Massimiliano Vivian Rossini, has joined us.

We remind you that we launched our "Lessons from Experts" series of training videos in September. Their main purpose is to make sure that beginner partners and those developing their business get an idea of practical work in a convenient and concise form. Experts, national representatives of the company from different regions record their video lessons on the topics that are of most concern to partners. Here they share their secrets and tips on how to cope with a variety of situations that arise in partnership activities. With the help of these short videos, any partner can avoid typical mistakes and better understand how to achieve the desired result.

Massimiliano dedicated his lesson to a very important topic: What is the bedrock of your partner structure? He knows firsthand how important it is to follow ethical principles in order for the structure to be sustainable and for communications with customers to be successful. Partners have to advise very different investors, and Massimiliano shows through examples from his own practice that you can prepare for almost any situation.

We are constantly adding new videos on the most popular and relevant partner business topics in "Lessons from Experts". Therefore, feel free to share your questions in the comments so that our national partners and regional leaders can record a lesson on a topic of importance to you.

Video lessons are available to each partner in the back office, "Training" section or by following the link.