Participation of "Sovelmash" in the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" award - "TECHNOKHOD-2021"

Participation of "Sovelmash" in the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" award - "TECHNOKHOD-2021"

On December 3, the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" hosted the official awards ceremony for companies nominated for the "TECHNOKHOD-2021" award.

"TECHNOKHOD-2021" is a promising competition for industrial enterprises of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ). New-generation industrial projects that have been implemented and are being implemented by the residents of the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" are selected for the award.

The Expert Council of the "TECHNOKHOD-2021" award includes the members of the Scientific and Technical Council and invited experts in the field of innovative business.

"TECHNOKHOD-2021" has revealed the best practices and trends in the development of innovative business in 22 areas. Being the award participant, "Sovelmash" became a nominee in 3 competition categories: "Techno Partnership", "Techno Media" and "Techno Environment", and took the prize in the "Techno Media" nomination. The award was received by Alexander Sudarev.

By participating in the award, we received the project expert review and the opportunity to popularize scientific and technological activities - truly significant and necessary in the modern world.

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