Top 10 countries in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Top 10 countries in the project "Duyunov's motors"

The project "Duyunov's motors" has more than 250,000 participants from almost 200 countries.
Which countries are the leaders in terms of the number of investors and amount of investments? We introduce you to our updated rating.

1. Russia
The absolute leader. Far ahead of other countries by the amount of investments attracted to the project (more than 45 %). More than 8,000 investors live in Russia, which is 27 % of their total number in the project. It's not surprising, because Dmitriy Duyunov's team work here and "SovElMash" innovative centre will be constructed here too. Thanks to the Russian investors, the project took off successfully and continued developing during the second year.

2. Vietnam
It broke into the rating about a year ago, along with some other Asian countries. During this time, 3,700 investors have brought more than 8 % of the total investment amount to the project. The national representative office in Vietnam opened in December 2019. The world's only foreign office of SOLARGROUP is also located here.

3. India
In terms of the number of investors, this country is significantly ahead of Vietnam and is getting very close to Russia. More than 6,000 Indians have brought about 6% of the investments to the project. The "Slavyanka" technology is supported here, people value its environmental significance for the region, since India is a country with extremely polluted air in the megacities. In the autumn of 2019, New Delhi hosted the most large-scale opening of a national representative office in the history of the project, the conference gathered more than 1,000 people. This fact once again emphasizes the popularity of "Duyunov's motors" in India and successful work of the local partners.

4. Indonesia
Another country from the Asian three. Although there are fewer investors here than in India and Vietnam, it ranks third in terms of the investment amount. Indonesia is notable for being one of the first countries after Russia to actively join the project, even though at that time the back office was not yet available in Indonesian. In Indonesia, just like in India, the issues of heavy smog in the cities and saving energy resources are very pressing.

5. Germany
The most active among the European countries. Over 3% of the total investment amount in the project has been provided by the residents of Germany. The number of German investors is just a bit over 500, which is less than 2 % of their total number in the project. The national representative office was opened in Germany in September 2019.

6. Ukraine
About 500 Ukrainian investors have brought more than 2 % of investments in the project. It is worth noting that in Ukraine, the "Slavyanka" technology became known even before the project start. We have repeatedly told you about the models of vehicles with Duyunov's motors tested in this country: the mine electric locomotive Era, the Kiev trolleybus and the electric car Zaporozhets.

7. Bulgaria
Very close to Ukraine in terms of the main indicators. It's worth noting how active the Bulgarian partners are, thanks to their activity the national representative office of SOLARGROUP was opened in Bulgaria last year, after that, the number of investors in this country has been constantly growing.

8. Belarus
One of the first countries to support the project. A little more than 1% of our investors live in Belarus, and they invested almost 2% of the total amount of funds attracted in the project.

9. Italy
This country demonstrates almost the same numbers as Belarus in the rating, except that it is slightly ahead of the latter in terms of the number of investors. It should be noted that Victor Arestov's company actively cooperates with our customers from Italy. Electric motorcycles and cars with motors modernized using Duyunov's technology are certified there according to the high European standards, after the certification procedure they will be put into mass production.

10. Côte d'Ivoire
The only African country in the top ten. Last summer, a national representative office opened there. Now the project has more than 1,000 investors from Côte d'Ivoire, and the country ranks fifth by this indicator. And in terms of the investment amount, it's the last in our top ten.

As you can see, the project "Duyunov's motors" is truly international, which has become possible thanks to the developed partner network and the strategy of opening national representative offices of SOLARGROUP.

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