"Technopolis "Moscow" has again led the ranking of special economic zones in Russia

"Technopolis "Moscow" has again led the ranking of special economic zones in Russia

"Technopolis "Moscow", where the "Sovelmash" engineering center is being built, was ranked first in the VI ranking of investment potential of Russian SEZs.

The national ranking was compiled by the Association of Clusters and Technology Parks of Russia based on the performance of 28 special economic zones in 2021. The experts assessed the conditions for entrepreneurs provided in the technology parks.

The SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" has topped the ranking thanks to:

- the well-developed infrastructure of its five sites,
- the availability of free land resources,
- the investment activity of residents, who invested over 28.5 billion rubles in high-tech projects in 2021, which is 3 times more than in 2020.

The Moscow technology park has topped the national ranking for the second year in a row. This means that "Technopolis "Moscow" is the best platform for implementing high-tech projects in Russia.

The "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department, which is currently being built on the territory of "Technopolis "Moscow", will enjoy land and tax privileges, the created infrastructure and other preferences of the SEZ resident.