"There are no such enterprises in Russia": an article about "Sovelmash" in Forbes magazine

"There are no such enterprises in Russia": an article about "Sovelmash" in Forbes magazine

Forbes, the world's leading business periodical, published an article titled "Innovations for industry: "Sovelmash" launches a new type of motors on the market".

The article tells in detail about "Sovelmash": the purposes of its establishment, operating capacities, developments and plans for the near future. It particularly emphasizes the company's import substitution efforts: "There are no such enterprises in Russia that do not depend on imported technologies, materials and components".

The article also introduces the "Slavyanka" technology: the history of its creation, its advantages and practical application.

Special attention is given to the crowdinvesting approach to raising funds for the project development and construction of the engineering center. The article contains active links leading to the registration page in the back office of the project.

The original article in Russian can be accessed here.

Read a translation of the article in your language by following the link

The article and video are important for consolidating the reputation of "Sovelmash" in wide business circles and attracting the attention of potential investors. The materials will be interesting and useful to all participants in our project. Watch and share!