SOLARGROUP - business for humanists

SOLARGROUP - business for humanists

How we lived before the crisis: we were engaged in the environmentally significant project and cared about equal opportunities for all people in the world. We strived hard to incorporate useful technologies into everyday life. How we live in times of the crisis: in exactly the same way. How we will live after it: in the same way. Because the company's mission, corporate values and ethical principles are constant.

And we need your support! What we can do together:

1. Launch an enterprise that will benefit the planet and improve the financial well-being of many people in different countries. This is now more relevant than ever, as the entire world is in search of alternatives to fuel-powered engines.
2. Unite even more people! There are many of us and we are different, we live in different countries, and we are influenced by different factors. But we can tell people what partner business is and how they can join us to have more confidence in the future.
3. Support each other. SOLARGROUP is a team. A global community of like-minded people. And we are united not only by the pursuit of financial stability, we share the same ethical values, the main of which is mutual support and mutually beneficial cooperation.

We keep telling you what a sustainable business is and what ensures sustainable development for us in any environment. For example:

• we were right to purchase the main materials needed for the "Sovelmash" construction before the crisis;
• our investors were right to join the project that is becoming increasingly relevant in times of crisis; 
• our partners were right to participate in the business that provides them with an independent, stable income under any circumstances.

We're talking about people who made it all possible. And you can tell us about yourself by sharing your story. After all, people are still the main value of modern business, and this value will survive any crisis. Developing environmentally significant projects and a people-oriented corporate policy means ensuring a secure future. And everyone has the opportunity to make a choice in favor of that future right now.
Thank you for being with us.