Working right with investors: how to sustain and multiply the results of your work

Working right with investors: how to sustain and multiply the results of your work

Partner business goes through different periods of development, that can be compared to the seasons of the year. Winter is a time to learn and plan, spring is a season of new opportunities, in summer the seedlings you have planted grow and continue to thrive, and in autumn you reap the fruits of your labor.

After you have attracted the first investors, it is important to give them time and attention, help them grow. Like a gardener who, having planted apple trees in the spring, takes care of them regularly throughout the summer so that he can harvest a high yield in the fall.

Only the partner who is a mentor and leader for his team will collect a lot of fruits. He works hard and smart: he shares referral links, analyzes information, communicates with customers, explains the project and partner business opportunities, conducts webinars and meetings. And he is always ready to provide support and friendly expert advice.

How to work with investors using the opportunities the back office gives?

The back office functionality allows you to see and filter various data of the customers in the structure. You will also need the Google Translate app to communicate with foreign participants.

- Go to the "For Partners" section and open the "Customer Structure" subsection. You will see your progress in the Partner Race, as well as the table that contains information about all the participants in your structure: the registration and last visit dates, the level and status, the amount of investments, the installment plans and overdue payments for them.
- Set the filters the way you need. You can only view the 1st level investors, or only those having the "Partner" status, and set a specific country. By analyzing and using this data correctly, you will make your work much more efficient.

Do you have a customer who has recently registered? Then write to him or her (you will find the contact details by hovering over the customer's name in the same table). Help the customer understand the project, invite him or her to a webinar where the investor will find comprehensive information for making a decision. The schedule of webinars in different languages is available here /events/webinars. It is better to contact via messengers — this is the most efficient and convenient way to communicate, share links and materials.

Is the the customer already the investor? Check if they have any overdue payments, often investors forget to pay on time. Remind them about this and help to work it out. To ensure that payments are received regularly in the future and the customer spends less time, recommend that they enable the "Automatic Payment" and "Automatic Replenishment" options. More information about them can be found here — /news/posts/avtopopolnenie-osnovnogo-scyota-novaya-opciya-v-licnom-kabinete-1619.

Has the investor paid the installment plan in full? Contact him or her and offer to purchase another investment package. It is most profitable to do this within 30 calendar days from the date of the last installment payment — then the investor will be able to purchase a new package at a discount of the previous one. More details can be found here /news/posts/priobretaite-novye-investicionnye-pakety-po-starym-diskontam-novyi-funkcional-licnogo-kabineta-1485. Explain that the project is approaching the final stage, the risks are almost zero, but there is still an opportunity to invest. Strange as it may seem, but it is 7 times easier to sell a package to a customer repeatedly than the first time.

The most breathtaking and enduring results are achieved when the members of your structure copy your successful experience. Therefore, sustain and develop the results of your work and share them with others. And be the best example for the participants of your structure.

What is the most important thing?

- Do not lose faith in yourself and the team, even when things don't work out.
- Use all the opportunities that the project and the SOLARGROUP company offer to the investors and partners. Work hard and smart.
- Take care of your team, just like a gardener takes care of his garden. Let your investors and partners see the goal and the road to it with your more experienced eyes, and be charged with your confidence in success!

The Partner race, which runs until April 14, is a great incentive to work hard, smart, and write your own success story.
Start doing it right now!