Rules of Ray Dalio

Rules of Ray Dalio

Ray Dalio is one of the world's most successful investors and a recognized guru in the field of money management. He has been in the Forbes ranking of the world's richest people for years, and in 2017, his fortune exceeded $49.7 billion. Dalio's investment company Bridgewater Associates is among the most influential players in the industry.

The billionaire started his path to success in school years showing a talent for investing in stocks. His first investment in the stock market brought threefold profit! Since then, Ray Dalio started studying reports of financial companies and developing his own asset allocation strategy. He worked as a futures trading specialist in several companies, and then founded his own company - Bridgewater Associates. At that time, he was only 26 years old!

Dalio offered his clients a perfect investment model based on balanced portfolio diversification. Unprecedented transparency in his work and an innovative approach to investment brought the financier recognition and an impeccable reputation. Thanks to his ability to see opportunities even in times of crisis, Ray has become known as" Steve Jobs of the investing world", and earned a billion-dollar fortune.

The billionaire has never kept his life principles secret: on the contrary, he has always generously shared his wisdom in numerous interviews. You can learn more about the successful investor's view of life and business activities from his statements.

About the assessment of what is happening

Ray Dalio is convinced that you should accept reality as it is, without relying on your expectations. It is important to respond productively to negative trends and reap benefits from any situation. You also need to realize that no one can do absolutely everything perfectly: "Would you want to have Einstein on your basketball team?"

About the path to success

The billionaire believes that the main key to success is the ability to set goals and accept failures with dignity. You should learn from your failures and enrich your experience with them without leaving the game. Dalio also believes that you should not abandon your goal even if it seems unattainable.

About making decisions

To make the right decision, you should avoid unnecessary emotions and carefully analyze what is happening. There is no need to complicate the situation: a smart person always tries to simplify the situation.

About earning income

Ray Dalio is convinced that money should not be an end in itself because it lacks intrinsic value. First you need to determine your true goal, and then - what you need to do in order to achieve it. Funds are always only a tool that helps you get what you want.

About using someone else's experience

If you don't know where to start on your way to the set goal, find examples of people who have been successful and learn from their experience. Analyze what patterns helped them, and then use this knowledge to your advantage.