Rules of Pavel Durov

Rules of Pavel Durov

Pavel Durov is a talented programmer and entrepreneur who created the most popular social network in Russia - Vkontakte. Besides, Pavel founded the messaging app Telegram and launched a number of other successful projects including the Start Fellows grant program for funding promising startups. Durov's active business efforts brought him significant capital: in 2020, his fortune has amounted to $3.4 billion giving him the opportunity to rank 565 in the Forbes rating of the planet's wealthiest people.

Pavel Durov's reputation is ambiguous, as well as that of many other outstanding individuals. The entrepreneur donates huge sums to charity, invests in startups and economies of different countries, and actively protects users' right to privacy. At the same time, he is often criticised for harsh and scandalous statements, controversial actions and antics.

What beliefs and life rules helped the young businessman achieve success and remain himself? You can find it out in our article!

About selling his share of "Vkontakte"

In 2014, the entrepreneur left the CEO post of Vkontakte and left Russia selling all of his shares. Uncompromisingly honoring his ideals, Durov did not want to compromise with his conscience. He considers the presence of valuable property or shares to be an obstacle, a lever that can be used to put pressure on him. Therefore, giving up his property became a balanced decision: "I don't regret anything. I still have a clear conscience and ideals that are worth protecting."

About his lifestyle

The billionaire rejects any attributes of a luxurious lifestyle considering them unnecessary. In one of his interviews, he said that he had visited very influential and rich people, seen their villas, yachts, private planes and realized that he did not need it.

About doing business

Durov believes compromising is the worst solution. He is not afraid of competition and conflicts even with stronger rivals, because he is sure that there is no development and progress without competition. The entrepreneur calls his main engine the idea and belief in the ability to change the world.

About supporting people around him

The most precious moments in life the entrepreneur believes to be the situations when his opinion does not fall in line with the position of the majority. In order to change the worldview of the society, it is enough to find 10 % of like-minded people. What matters for success is not the number of fans, but the people who are truly committed to the idea, even if there are only a few of them.

What is needed for a breakthrough

To achieve the goal, Durov has learned to concentrate and maintain this state for a long time. For a creative, spiritual, or intellectual breakthrough, you must avoid attention traps that distract from your main activity. The billionaire considers a person's need for communication overestimated, and is sure that an hour spent alone is more productive than many hours of conversations.