What makes early installment repayment beneficial?

What makes early installment repayment beneficial?

Are you aware that the "Early Repayment" option is one of the most profitable for investors in the project "Duyunov's motors"? There are two reasons for it.

Reason №1 - bonus shares

You get bonus shares when you make several monthly installment payments at once. The more months you repay in one payment, the more extra shares you will be credited.

We'll explain what the benefit is with an example.

Let's say you buy a $ 5,000 investment package on a 20-month installment plan at the current project funding stage 17. The package contains 725,000 investment shares. You have already made 5 monthly payments according to the installment schedule, and the 6th monthly installment payment is ahead, it is regarded as due and cannot be repaid in advance. So, you can repay months 7 to 20 ahead of time in your installment plan.
If you repay all of these months at once by selecting the "Early Repayment" option, you will receive an additional 4,000 shares. You will be credited with a total of 729,000 shares.
If you make, for example, 5 monthly payments at once, you'll get 1,428 extra shares.

Reason №2 - bringing dividends to a faster time frame

Now the "Sovelmash" engineering center construction has reached the stage when many activities are carried out simultaneously, so it is possible to utilize all incoming investments. The more funds come into "Sovelmash", the sooner the D&E will be completed and put into operation. And the sooner investors will begin to receive dividends from the activities of the enterprise.

By early repayment of your installment plan now, you're getting closer to the moment when you will get your first dividend!

It's important to be aware of this option!

• "Early repayment" can be combined with other project offers and options. For example, with bonuses for participating in the fundraising offer to support the engineering utilities.
• The option can be used several times when repaying the same installment plan.
• After writing off the early payment, the installment schedule will change, and the next payment will be due one month after the early repayment date.

How do I repay an installment plan ahead of schedule?

• Go to the "Investments" section of the back office, "My installments" tab, and select the installment plan you want to repay ahead of schedule.
• Open the payment schedule for this installment plan and choose how many months you are ready to pay ahead of schedule.
• Be sure to select the "Early Repayment" payment type, otherwise the bonus shares will not be credited!
After that you will see how many bonus shares you will get.
• Click "Pay". Done! You will see the credited shares and the adjusted installment schedule.

A video guide on the "Early Repayment" option is available in the back office here.

Make early payments - accelerate the project implementation and get more investment shares!