You could say I have given my all to the project | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Kodjo Sohoubo, Benin

You could say I have given my all to the project | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Kodjo Sohoubo, Benin

My name is Kodjo Sohoubo. I am 19 years old and I am from Benin.

I finished secondary school and was engaged in making hardware. I earned so little that I could barely make ends meet from payday to payday. I couldn't provide for my poor family and secure my future.

I learnt about SOLARGROUP in 2021 from Gaëtan Djihoundo. I was apprehensive at first because there were so many scammers around. I didn't have much confidence in the project "Duyunov's motors". A friend of mine told me that the project was a mere scam. For some time I took no action.

But gradually I was getting acquainted with the activities of SOLARGROUP. I've met some very nice people here. For example, my inviter Gaëtan Djihoundo never grew tired of answering my endless questions. He kept telling me about the project. It helped to understand a lot, the company's activities and mission motivated me! But before I made my first investment, I had felt pretty scared.

Despite my meagre salary, I dared to invest. But I did it nowhere near the same day! I still couldn't get over my doubts. And when I finally invested, I immediately gave everything I had to the project, one could even say that I gave my all to it.

It wasn't easy. But I put my faith in SOLARGROUP! And in March 2023, I signed the partnership agreement.

The initial goal was to purchase shares in the project. For my first investment, I became the holder of 4,700+100 investment shares.

It took a few months to see the results in the partner program. Gaëtan Djihoundo was helpful and supportive.

I've had all sorts of difficulties. For example, I lost my mobile phone with the number confirmed in the back office and could not regain access. The number had to be changed, and many thanks to the tech support for helping me regain access!

I am now looking into the aspects related to the production of Duyunov's motors. I have already registered the ownership of about 50 shares.

My supervisor continues to help me, with his support I have achieved the "Specialist" status. I am grateful to my dear "brother" ❤️ Gaëtan Djihoundo.

I'll be happy to earn my income! Partner business gives this opportunity to everyone.

Thank you SOLARGROUP for all the help I have been given, for the opportunities I now have. Many thanks to the people who told me about the project in good time!