Laser equipment at "SovElMash": learn more from the specialist

Laser equipment at "SovElMash": learn more from the specialist

The investors funds attracted to the "SovElMash" project ("Duyunov's motors") are spent, among other things, on purchasing modern high-quality equipment that meets the needs of the enterprise. We always inform you about the new acquisitions of "SovElMash". However, a lot of investors are interested in the details: why the company needs a particular unit.

And a specialist who works directly with the equipment is the best person to tell you about this.

Aleksey Ovcharenko, the laser equipment operator, visited the "SovElMash" studio. He explained in detail what tasks are performed by the laser units.

Watch the video interview with him prepared by Alexander Sudarev.

There are three laser units in the "SovElMash" testing area.

The largest of them — "ML350-Compact" — is a whole complex consisting of several parts:

- a 3-kilowatt solid-state ytterbium laser,
- a positioning coordinate table with a 1.5 by 1.5 meter operating field,
- filtering exhaust unit that ensures operator safety in the process of cutting metal.

The large laser machine enables quick production of a package of plates for the motor stator and rotor from metal. This equipment perfectly corresponds to the tasks of the design and engineering enterprise, since it can be used to quickly adjust the made parts. Whereas at a mass production plant, the products are stamped and it is much more difficult to make changes to them.

This plant also creates tooling and various parts necessary for equipping "SovElMash" — in-house production allows you to produce them faster, cheaper and with a better quality than outsourced from third-party enterprises.

The average 100-watt carbon dioxide laser unit with a 900 by 600 mm operating field is another equipment located in the testing area.

It is used to produce non-metallic parts: plastic, plexiglass, plywood, paper. For example, you can cut out the groove insulation for motors here.

The third laser unit is a 50-watt solid-state marking unit.

It is necessary for manufacturing motor nameplates, as well as for marking motors directly on the body.
All the three laser units are required for testing the future workflow lines for the "SovElMash" design and engineering technology department.
At the same time, the specialists of the testing area work in close conjunction with the engineers. This approach enables achieving an in-depth understanding of all the workflow processes both in motor design and in manufacturing of specific products, optimizing all workflow processes and ensuring high quality.

By purchasing and properly using equipment, "SovElMash" is accumulating more and more opportunities for successful implementation of the project.

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