How the tuk-tuk team made it to the finish line of Solar Race 2023

How the tuk-tuk team made it to the finish line of Solar Race 2023

On July 4, the team of the Bajaj Maxima tuk-tuk with a "Slavyanka" based motor finished in front of the Almaty Arena Ice Palace and and completed its participation in the solar vehicle race across Kazakhstan. The journey lasted 24 days and the tuk-tuk covered more than 3,000 kilometres in the desert.

The team will be sharing their insights and motor test results very soon. We'll certainly fill you in on the details!

For now, let's show you the most productive stage of the route - from day 19 to day 24 of the competition. The team was already stretched to the limit at this point, and the tuk-tuk suddenly started to perform very well. Just like in a movie! And even the scenery was cinematic.

It has to be said that the last kilometres of the route were hampered by the mountains and road maintenance. And the tuk-tuk performed best in the toughest tests.

Moreover, after the finish line, the team shared the story that preceded the start of the race. And it explains a lot about the dramatic unfolding of the events on the trip.

Watch the video to learn about the adventures of the tuk-tuk team and enjoy the magnificent views of the beautiful country.

The team is now deeply impressed with their experience and would like to thank the fans, friends and everyone who supported them on this challenging and unpredictable journey!