How to invest in the project with maximum profit: a step-by-step guide before the stage change

How to invest in the project with maximum profit: a step-by-step guide before the stage change

There are a few days left until the end of stage 15 in the project funding and before the cost of investment shares increases. How do I use all the bonuses and discounts when investing with maximum profit? Use our step-by-step guide!

Are you the investor and pay in installments?

Add funds to your main account in the back office with cryptocurrency and get a bonus equal to 5 % of the replenishment amount credited to the same account. This way you can buy more investment shares.
Or make an installment payment from your partner account and get a 5% discount on the payment amount. This way you will save on buying shares.
Both options are valid only until the end of stage 15!
Use the "Early Repayment" option and get bonus investment shares. After opening the installment schedule, select any number of months that you want to pay ahead of schedule. The more of them you select, the more additional investment shares you will be credited. You will see the number of bonuses when you sigh up for the option in the back office.
Purchase another investment package at a discount of the one you are currently paying for in installments. Thus, you will fix the discount of the stage at which the package was purchased. And in the future, you will continue to purchase investment shares at a fixed cost, which will be significantly lower than that without applying this option.
Make a gift of investment shares to your friend who is not yet registered in the project. After the friend passes verification in the back office in response to getting the gift, you will both receive 100 shares from SOLARGROUP each. The "Gift to a Friend" button is located on the main page of the back office. You can send up to 50 gifts per month.

Are you the partner who regularly receives referral remuneration in the project?

Make a payment on the current installment plan or when buying a new package from the partner account. This way you will save 5 % of the payment amount.
If you don't have enough funds on the partner account to make the payment, use another offer. Add funds to your main account with cryptocurrency and get a 5 % bonus, which can also be spent on buying shares.
Use the "Gift to a Friend" option frequently to increase the number of your shares in the project. Remember that your friend needs to pass verification in the back office on time, so that both the giftee and you can receive the gift. Help your friend with this.
Check your progress in the Partner Race. Think about what you can do to enhance your status and get bonuses in investment shares and cash prizes.

Are you a beginner who follows the project and considers buying an investment package?

Ask your friends in the project or participants of one of our official chats to give you your first investment shares as a gift (provided that you are not yet registered in the back office). After you pass the verification, you will be credited 100 shares.
Until April 30 inclusive, buy an investment package that is most suitable for you through an installment plan. Remember that the larger the nominal value of the package, the more profitable the discount for shares in it.
Add funds to the main account, from which you will make payments for the package, using cryptocurrency. Thus, you will immediately receive a bonus equal to 5 % of the payment amount, which can be spent on paying for shares.
Use the "Double Payment" option for the first installment payment and get bonus shares.

Are you the project investor and it's been more than a month since your last installment payment?

Increase the number of your shares in the project on beneficial conditions, which will not be available after the stage change. Purchase a new package before the discount is reduced.
Add funds to your account with cryptocurrency and get a 5% bonus to pay for a new package.
Use the "Double Payment" option for the first installment payment and get extra shares.
Then use the "Early Repayment" option. If you make several installment payments at once, you will receive bonus shares.
Use the "Gift to a Friend" option to get 100 investment shares for everyone who verifies in the back office on your invitation.

Important! If you have a personal promo code from SOLARGROUP, enter it when buying a new investment package. If the promo code is valid, you will be given a 5% discount on the payment amount.

Hurry up to invest in the project before the end of stage 15!