Innovations win: SOLARGROUP congratulates Elon Musk!

Innovations win: SOLARGROUP congratulates Elon Musk!

Per aspera ad astra! On May 30, at 22:22, the world-famous American entrepreneur, inventor and engineer Elon Musk made another breakthrough in minds of the planet Earth population. His company SpaceX successfully launched the first private spacecraft Dragon Crew to the International Space Station with two astronauts onboard: Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley.

This event broke the common thinking patterns of an average person for three reasons at once:
• for the first time in history, people were launched into orbit in a private rocket;
• the first launch of people on a partially reusable rocket the first stage of which returned to a floating platform in the ocean;
• the first launch of an American rocket from the US territory with Americans onboard in 9 years.

Almost 150 thousand Americans gathered at Kennedy Space Center to witness this historical event. For many people, this day has become a turning point convincing them of the all-conquering power of human reason and perseverance. Against the background of waiting for the rocket launch, the price of Tesla shares once again demonstrated growth having reached the mark of $835 by the evening of Friday, May 29.

Let us remind you that before Elon Musk, no one believed in electric cars as a fast and practical vehicle, but with the investors support, the innovator succeeded in proving the opposite turning Tesla into one of the most desirable brands in the world. Today, we support the project of developing Duyunov's innovative electric motors expecting that it will also transform the global market, and this will happen in the next 5 years.

May 30, 2020 was the day for Musk when his dreams and hard work became a reality. This outstanding man changed the space industry forever breaking the state monopoly on orbital spaceflights and paving the way to space exploration for private researchers!

A decade ago, it seemed incredible, but today it is a new page in the history of the planet Earth. And new ambitious goals and achievements are ahead!
SOLARGROUP team joins the congratulations that are now “arriving” to Elon Musk from all over the world, and promises to use him as a role model of firm commitment, perseverance and support for innovative ideas that will change this world for the better!