I am ready to go all the way with this company! The story of SOLARGROUP partner Sergey Zhdanov

I am ready to go all the way with this company! The story of SOLARGROUP partner Sergey Zhdanov

My name is Sergey Zhdanov. I am a partner and investor of SOLARGROUP, a finalist in the "Business Shark" promotion. I live in Russia. I graduated from Tula State University where I studied at the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

I learned about the project "Duyunov's motors" in 2017. I was introduced to the project out of the blue, told about the combined winding technology "Slavyanka" and the hub motor. Initially, I took the new information with a negative attitude, because we were taught at the university department that there were only two winding types: delta and star. I decided that the third kind was fraud and spoke out sharply. "Your remarks are inappropriate and wrong," was the reply. After that, I felt like figuring it out for myself!

At the time I was finishing my semester, I thought: why not combine my studies and participation in the SOLARGROUP partner program? I saw great potential in developing a partner network, it was interesting to try my hand at it.

And I overestimated my abilities! Without proper understanding of the technology, I wanted to get everyone into the project - and that was my first mistake. You can't talk about the project without knowing the technology, so gradually I began to delve into it.

I attended a conference in Moscow. I saw with my own eyes how the project investor got on a motorcycle with a hub motor and hit the gas, apparently not expecting much power. But he was wrong! And crashed into a car. This incident stunned me.

I asked questions to my professors at university, and they told me that the USSR had already developed the combined winding technology, but students were hardly ever interested in it. I watched webinars, especially by Pavel Filippov. I was very impressed by Dmitriy A. Duyunov's position: making money is not the goal, the goal is to leave a legacy behind. That's how I came to believe that green energy was the future!

Every year I got more and more "sparked" by this project. I realized I wanted to be part of history! I had to go through a rough patch in 2018-2019, when the project had a lot of haters. I was doing a lot of informational work at the time. I am grateful to Sergey Mazin, a partner of SOLARGROUP, at that time he joined in and produced high-quality videos about the project, refuting false information. Gradually the development of the project proved to everyone how wrong they were. And now those people in my circle, who looked at me like I was crazy in the early years, ask when we meet: "How is your "Slavyanka"?". And everyone regrets not joining the project at an earlier stage.

The project has given me the most important thing: independence. I graduated, but I chose "Duyunov's motors" and SOLARGROUP over the profession I was trained for. I am pleased with my results, the potential of the project, and I am satisfied with my prospects in it. I'm ready to go all the way with this company!

I like everything about SOLARGROUP: materials for partners, back office. Everything is arranged in such a way here that even the laziest person can get the job done. If you are engaged in promoting the project on a daily basis, the result will come in any case.

After the SOLARGROUP 2022 International Conference, I realized how I wanted to protect my earnings and savings: I bought another investment package. And I'm glad that in doing so I helped to promote the project. I am also involved in stock investments, and I can say with confidence: those investors who joined the project "Duyunov's motors" at the early stages protected their money in the most secure way. I am pleased to see that people in different countries appreciate the sustainability of the project. The Covid pandemic, the crisis - nothing hindered its implementation.

I spent a lot of time and effort to promote the project. And I keep working every day. I know that Dmitriy Duyunov will accomplish his goal, and he's already doing it. This means that it works for all of us - the project participants.

In my opinion, the main things a newcomer needs to know about the project are:

1. The environmental dimension. The whole world is fighting global warming. The project will help to postpone this problem, at the very least.

2. Electric cars will change the transportation infrastructure and market.

3. It's a start for a personal project! Everyone can fulfill their potential here.

There is now a very handy tool in the back office for studying the project in detail - "Knowledge Base". It has made the job of partners and investors much easier. You can enter any question in the search box and get a detailed answer. It has become easy to get information from the original source.

I am certain that we will be successful in achieving our common goals, we have everything we need for that!