Guests from China visited the "Sovelmash" D&E

Guests from China visited the "Sovelmash" D&E

"Sovelmash" was visited by the guests from China. The representatives of the BAW car factory, including Vice General Manager Fedya Jia, visited the territory of the design and engineering technology department with a work-related mission.

The video about the visit is available here.

The guests met with Dmitriy Duyunov, the originator of the "Slavyanka" technology, and Sergey Semyonov, General Director of SOLARGROUP. They were introduced to the D&E facilities, held a business meeting and reached certain agreements.

BAW is one of the largest factories of the Chinese automotive industry. A few years ago, it started the production of electric cars. The management of the company is interested in applying the "Slavyanka" technology in their products. The visit to "Sovelmash" was a return one. In July, a delegation of SOLARGROUP headed by Sergey Semyonov visited BAW.