Partner Race: How to talk to a customer about the partner business opportunities

Partner Race: How to talk to a customer about the partner business opportunities

Recently, we've talked about what strategy will help you succeed in the SOLARGROUP Partner Race and partner business. This material is available here /news/posts/pravilnaya-rabota-s-investorami-kak-soxranit-i-priumnozit-rezultaty-svoego-truda-1767. We've explained why it is important to work hard and smart: not only to increase the number of investors, but also pay attention to the partners of your structure, especially in the first level.

The key method that makes the partner network growth impossible is a conversation with customers about the partner business opportunities, including the commercial offer.

Why and how often should I initiate a conversation about the opportunities?

A conversation with a customer opens up new business prospects for both you and your interlocutor. You share information about the partner business opportunities, offer to join you and the company as a partner, to repeat your actions and copy your success - the customer starts to earn - you increase your status and get bonuses in the Partner Race. Together, you reap the harvest of referral rewards.

WITHOUT starting a conversation, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to find out whether your offer is interesting to the interlocutor, you close the prospect of succeeding for both yourself and the customer.

Initiate the conversation as often as you can. Every day, talk to at least two customers about the partner business opportunities in SOLARGROUP. Their contact details are available in the back office, in "For Partners" - "Structure".

What and how should you communicate?

How to start communication, how to draw the customer's attention to your offer? Find out if a person is happy with everything in life or wants to change something. Are they open to new opportunities that give them a chance to improve their life?

Perhaps your interlocutor has already found a business that he or she likes doing, which brings satisfaction and a good stable income. Or it is possible that right now they are on the lookout. Ask about it. The answer will help you understand what the best way to start a business offer is as well as the entire scenario of a conversation about the opportunities.

Then speak about why the partner business in SOLARGROUP is a solution to at least one or several of the customer's problems. What problems can you talk about?

- Not satisfied with the salary and do not see any growth prospects? In SOLARGROUP, partners determine the income ceiling themselves. They earn as much as they are ready for — there are no restrictions.
- Important to have a flexible schedule? The partners of SOLARGROUP can decide when and how much to work, plan their holidays and weekends at a convenient time.
- Need additional income? Partner business can be easily combined with the main job, as well as family obligations, studies and hobbies.
- Dreaming of but can't travel much? Business in SOLARGROUP is accessible from anywhere in the world. You can work and travel as much as you want.
- Fed up with wasting time in traffic and sitting in a stuffy office every day? Partners conduct business from home, without having to spend hours on commuting.
- Not appreciated by your management? SOLARGROUP pays special attention to the recognition of its partners who are the company's key asset.
- Want your work to benefit other people too? SOLARGROUP partners promote the innovative technology that, when applied on a large scale, will change the lives of many people for the better. At the same time, the project enhances the financial well-being of its participants.

Show the interlocutor the financial prospects of the partner business, enunciate what exactly SOLARGROUP offers. Make it clear that by becoming a partner, you can not only return your investments in the project, but also earn much more. The best way to amplify your rhetoric is to tell your success story. Who are you? For how long have you been in the business? How has your life changed? What is your attitude to the company and this business?
Your main growth area is acquiring business communication skills. This means that the purpose of your speech is to make a commercial offer profitable for both you and your interlocutor.

How to correctly wrap up a conversation about the opportunities?

At the end of the conversation, ask the interlocutor what he or she is interested in out of the scope of information you've provided. Find out if the customer is ready to take the next step. Remind that you, in turn, are always ready to support and answer any questions. Arrange your next communication, and let this conversation take place in the next 2-3 days.
After the first conversation, reinforce what has been said, offer the customer to:

- watch the webinar about partner business (announcements are available here — /events/webinars);
- study the partner business presentation available in 11 languages in the back office here /user/ref/materials in the corresponding tab;
- read the terms of the Partner Race.

So, the opportunity to improve someone's life and reach new heights in business yourself is in your hands. Note: talking about the opportunities is not about convincing or coaxing! You share your experience and the business project launched in Russia that is currently fascinating thousands of people around the world.