Project's geography at funding stage 17

Project's geography at funding stage 17

Funding stage 17 in the project "Duyunov's motors" is nearing completion. We continue to sum up its results. Today, we'll see how the project's geography has changed over the past year.

At stage 17, the national representative offices of SOLARGROUP opened in 2 countries. On May 14 - in Colombia. On November 12 - in North Macedonia. In total, the representative offices have been opened in 22 countries so far.

A bet was made on boosting activity in the regions that had already been opened.

SOLARGROUP organized 12 major offline conferences,
held more than 1,200 webinars and offline meetings. In 2022 we started webinars in two new languages, Macedonian and Creole. Webinars are now available in 15 languages.

All these activities were carried out with the support and participation of SOLARGROUP's national and leading partners.

New trend

In 2022, the trend that had been outlined earlier was implemented. It's direct interaction with officials, engineers and business people. The conferences in Vietnam, Indonesia, India and North Macedonia included business meetings between SOLARGROUP's top officials and representatives of local government agencies and businesses. And everywhere we saw great interest in the "Slavyanka" technology and in its use in the field.

Head of Advertising and Public Relations at SOLARGROUP Pavel Filippov, who personally took part in these meetings, said: "The company is working more solidly and fundamentally in different countries now. And I'm especially glad that we met not only with partners and investors, but also with a lot of people who were interested in the technology itself."

The contacts established are a platform for further promotion of the technology, shaping demand for the "Sovelmash" products and services in the regions.

The most active countries

The main output of SOLARGROUP's activities around the world is the funding for the project "Duyunov's motors". The overwhelming amount of investment was attracted in those countries where the national representative offices had been opened.

Top 10 countries by the share of actual investment in the project (total raised $ 52,000,000):
Russia — 39%,
Vietnam — 12%,
India — 11%,
Indonesia — 4%,
Germany — 3%,
Bulgaria, Ukraine, Italy - 2% each,
Nepal, Côte d'Ivoire - 1% each.

Top 10 countries by the share of project investors (50,000 people invested in total):
India — 26%,
Russia — 18%,
Vietnam — 13%,
Indonesia — 4%,
Côte d'Ivoire - 3%,
Benin, Nepal - 2% each,
Peru, Bulgaria and Ukraine - 1% each.

Compared with stage 16, the activity of investors from Russia doubled, both by the share of their number and by the share of investments made.

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We covered the project funding results in more detail earlier.