A tour of the "Sovelmash" construction site by Dmitriy Duyunov

A tour of the "Sovelmash" construction site by Dmitriy Duyunov

In the video dated October 6, we showed how the territory of the "Sovelmash" office and amenity building was being prepared for the pouring the finish layer of concrete. And on October 7, before lunch, the floor between axes 1 and 17 had already been completely poured. It now remains to apply a finish coating on top.

Over 1.5 months, the construction crews of the domestic contractor company have performed a huge amount of work on concrete pouring, and very soon it will be completed. The builders are to pour the most extensive "map" of the floor, in the section from axis 17 to axis 23.

One more step - and the engineering equipment installation will begin.

How about visiting the construction site right now with Dmitriy Duyunov? Watch the video by following the link.
You will learn more about the construction activities that are currently in progress at the site and the work to be done.

The rapid construction pace has been largely made possible thanks to the support by the project investors. It is important to continue active funding in order to complete the construction as scheduled. This will be facilitated by prompt installment payments.

We told you earlier how to make your installment payments on time.