Directorate of Construction at "SovElMash"/ Tasks and responsibilities

Directorate of Construction at "SovElMash"/ Tasks and responsibilities

"SovElMash" like any other company has a certain structure made up of different units. Today we will introduce you to the Directorate of Construction, formerly called the Department of Permanent Construction. Currently, this department is of strategic importance for the company and, in view of the construction of the design and engineering technology department (D3333E), its presence is necessary.

The Directorate of Construction at "SovElMash" ensures the implementation of the entire scope of works related to the design and construction of the future D3333E.

The main tasks of the Directorate are:

- Coordinating the activity of the Directorate of Construction. Timely preparation of design estimates and engineering documentation for implementation of construction works, checking it for compliance with the current standards and regulations;

- Making proposals for the allocation of funds;

- Preparation of terms of reference for the project organizations - the contractor HAKA MOSCOW and subcontractor Astron - on the D3333E construction;

- Checking the compliance of the design and estimate documentation with the issued terms of reference. Analysing and revising the construction agreements and contracts;

- Approval of schedules for the project and construction works. Quality control over the progress of construction works completed by the contractors, step-by-step acceptance of completed works;

- Implementation of technical supervision over the quality of works, their compliance with the approved design and estimate documentation, engineering drawings, building regulations, standards, safety standards, industrial sanitation, requirements of good labour practices;

- Organization of the purchase of materials, equipment and inventory and maintenance of receipts and payments documentation for them. Accounting for redundant materials and equipment;

- Interaction with supervisory authorities, preparation and timely submission of reporting documents. Approval of issues related to installation, testing and registration of equipment on the construction sites.

Based on the data stated above, it can be concluded that the Directorate on Construction performs complex and extensive work.

To date, a number of tasks at the construction site have already been completed, and the work is proceeding in full accordance with the plan.

The design documentation had passed state examination in accordance with the Russian Federation Government Regulation "On the scope of design documentation sections and requirements to their content" № 87 dated as of 16.08.2008, thanks to which the permit was granted for the project construction.

The other preparatory activities have also been completed: the temporary utilities and roads have been made, the construction camp and drainage system are ready. Part of the metal structures the building frame is to be assembled from have already been delivered to the site.

We can say that the preparatory stage is about to be completed. We still have to clear vegetation on the site to make it possible to proceed directly with the construction of the innovative center.

The updated work schedule for the D3333E construction as of December 29, 2020 is available here -

We should note that, although the schedule is drawn up taking into account the current situation — it is still a work plan that can be adjusted depending on various circumstances.

At the same time, "SovElMash" is doing its best to complete the construction and commissioning of the design and engineering technology department on time. The Directorate on Construction maintains strict control over the funding of the project, monitors the implementation of the technical scope of work and meeting the construction deadlines.