Money affirmations

Money affirmations

What are they? Affirmations are self-suggestions, short phrases that are spoken or listened to as positive assertions to create the right mindset and activate the subconscious.

Who can they be useful for? For those people who:

• are dissatisfied with their financial situation;
• are paying off consumer loans or mortgages;
• have one source of income;
• have an income of less than 100 thousand rubles and no savings;
• earn less money than they spend;
• would like money to come easily;
• seek additional resources.

How do they work? Affirmations are not mystic or esoteric, they are pure psychology. They are used not to solve a financial problem with a certain set of words and without doing anything to make money, expecting it to come of its own accord. That would be nice, but no such affirmation has been devised yet. Affirmations are used in order to tune in and prepare yourself for action, to stop being afraid of them. People are afraid to use new financial instruments and other sources of income for objective reasons, not because they are not smart. The most common reason is negative experiences and memories that have given the impression that money is something difficult to come by. One sees sources of income, such as investment offers, but does not use them; negative experiences and previous difficulties with money keep telling them that nothing will come of it. Affirmations for new sources of income do not show, but only allow one to see the positive opportunities in those that one has found on their own.

Money is often referred to as a form of mental energy because in its physical equivalent it is gradually disappearing from circulation. People have money, but they cannot touch it, which does not prevent them from understanding and feeling their wealth growing. Any money coming in is a serving of endorphin and dopamine, and these hormones, among other things, make you feel that all goals are achievable and give you the energy to act. Positive attitudes (money affirmations) trigger a neurochemical reaction in the pituitary gland of the brain, and endorphin and dopamine are released by only thinking about money even before a person gets it. That's it, no magic. For example, a person for whom new opportunities are overriden by negative experiences will see purchasing an investment package only as something that, right now, will lead to a loss, and this fact is more important to them. And with the help of affirmations this person can see that the same purchase in the future will result in a profit, and will focus on the profit.

An affirmation tells people: you'll get it all! "How? - people might think. - It hasn't worked until now." Their brain resists action leading to change in advance, it seems to them that this statement is untrue. By repeating the affirmation, they gradually stop obstructing themselves. Negative experiences lose significance, whereas future positive changes gain significance. People get used to imagining themselves as successful, it no longer seems ridiculous and "not about them".

Now let's check it out. Pronounce this phrase:

I can feel my wealth growing every day.

Are you smiling? Keep on smiling! And let your wealth grow 😊