On December 24, the project goes to funding stage 15

On December 24, the project goes to funding stage 15

On December 23, at 23:59 Moscow time, the current stage 14 of the project funding will be completed. It was launched on August 6, 2020 and has become one of the most significant stages in the history of the project.
Before changing the stage, we will traditionally sum up the results of the outgoing period.

The key event of the stage is obtaining a permit for the construction of the "SovElMash" innovative center and the start of construction.

On October 15, the Moscow Committee of the State Construction Supervision issued "SovElMash" a construction permit for the design and engineering technology department. To get it, a huge amount of preparatory work had been completed in the course of several years. In particular, the D3333E project passed numerous examinations by various state agencies, which was not easy to do due to the pandemic restrictions.
The construction permit paved the way to the construction activities on the territory of the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow". A new period in the project's history began!

A little earlier, a new general contractor for the innovative center construction was announced. The Russian company HAKA Moscow was chosen as the general contractor, and Astron Buildings LLC - as the subcontractor.

During the fall of 2020, the "SovElMash" land plot at the "Alabushevo" site was considerably transformed. A construction camp was built meeting the modern occupational safety and health standards — all the conditions for comfortable work and rest of specialists were created here. Most part of the temporary roads made of concrete slabs were built around the site perimeter, and the temporary utilities were connected: water and electricity supply, drainage.

Outside the construction site, the work is also in full swing. The detailed design documentation that the builders will rely on is being approved.
And at the "Astron plant" in Yaroslavl, the metal frame of the future D3333E is being produced — the advance payments have already been made for its production. Some of the metal structures are ready and expecting shipment in the warehouse. When all the parts are completed, they will go to the "SovElMash" site where the installation of the metal frame using bolt assembly technology will begin straight upon delivery. Additional fitting is not required, since the structures are plant-manufactured with high accuracy.

All the activities are completed in full compliance with the preliminary construction schedule that can be viewed by anyone here https://clck.ru/QdwN5
The innovative center is planned to be put into operation in the spring of 2022, after which "SovElMash" will start full-fledged motor development at the new capacities.

Achievements abroad

The significant events of the project stage 14 took place not only on the territory of "SovElMash", but also abroad.
Solar golf cars equipped with DA-100SL combined winding motors demonstrated incredible results during the field tests in China. Their developers made sure that the car was capable of operating using solar power only, without charging from the power mains supply at all, including the start and acceleration. The power and efficiency of the "Slavyanka" motor and the November sun were enough for the car to start using the power transmitted from the solar panel and go on it all day at a speed of 20-30 km/h, that is sufficient for golf cars.

To recap, the solar golf cars project is implemented by the company Solar Power Glory in cooperation with ASPP Weihai and Victor Arestov, who modernizes motors using the "Slavyanka" technology. In the fall of 2020, 2-, 4-, 6-, and 8-seater cars passed the European certification. Now they are ready to conquer the world further.
These achievements demonstrate to the whole world the uniqueness and demand for electric motors based on the "Slavyanka" technology.

The project has received a new impetus for development in Togo and Indonesia — SOLARGROUP's national representative offices opened in these countries.

International conferences were conducted to celebrate these events attended by SOLARGROUP's top officials, investors and partners of the project, as well as people interested in investing in innovations.
On September 12, SOLARGROUP opened its national representative office in Togo. The conference was held in the country's capital Lomé. It was attended by about 50 people due to the COVID-19 restrictions, including guests from the neighboring Benin and Côte d'Ivoire.
On November 14, the national representative office opened in Indonesia. The conference was held online. About 700 participants registered for it. The broadcast of the event got about 6,000 views in a few days.

The conference participants received comprehensive information about the project "Duyunov's motors" in their native language and answers to their questions.

A number of profitable offers have been launched for the investors at stage 14.

- It became possible to buy new investment packages at the old discounts. If you are not yet familiar with this features, find out more here /news/posts/priobretaite-novye-investicionnye-pakety-po-starym-diskontam-novyi-funkcional-licnogo-kabineta-1485

- The regular "Gift to a friend" option has become more profitable.
Invite your friends to the project and get investment shares as a gift. For more information, follow the link /news/posts/priglasite-v-proekt-druga-i-polucite-100-dolei-1606

- Only at stage 14, you can restore your installment plan on special terms, regardless of when it was cancelled! Find out how to do it here — /news/posts/vosstanovit-otmenyonnuyu-rassrocku-na-lgotnyx-usloviyax-stalo-eshhyo-proshhe-1585

The project "Duyunov's motors" has passed almost three-quarters of its path, overcome an important milestone with starting the construction of the D3333E and is much closer to its goal.
We thank you for your support and remind you that now is a very good time to support the project with your investments. With the beginning of stage 15, the price of the investment shares will increase.

Hurry up to invest with the maximum profit!