Being a disciplined investor is profitable!
Pay your installment plan in full and on time, and you will receive an additional 5% shares added to your package. In this way, we reward investors who fulfill their payment obligations and help us maintain stable project funding.
Example. If your installment package includes 80,000 shares, the payment discipline bonus will be 4,000 shares.
The bonus shares will be credited to you after you make the final payment on your installment plan.
It is important to make payments according to schedule! Otherwise, the installment plan will be canceled, and you will lose not only the bonuses but also a significant portion of the shares in the package.
The payment discipline bonus currently applies only to the "Duyunov Motors" project and extends to installment packages. If your installment plan was ever canceled and then reinstated, it is no longer possible to receive the bonus on it.
You can always view the payment schedule in the "My Investments" section.
*The translation was carried out with the assistance of artificial intelligence.