Completion of the main scope of work on the engineering networks: Dmitriy Duyunov about the D&E construction progress

Completion of the main scope of work on the engineering networks: Dmitriy Duyunov about the D&E construction progress

In the new video, Dmitriy Duyunov and Alexander Sudarev report on the construction progress for the "Sovelmash" engineering centre.

The construction site is undergoing final work to install the utilities and complete landscaping:

• drilling has been made and a pipe has been placed under the roadway to connect the storm water drainage system,
• the trench for cold water pipes is being dug,
• lawn layout has been done at the rear of the site,
• the installation of the heat distribution station is being finalised, sensors will soon be installed, automation will be done and it will be possible to proceed with insulation,
• heating and water supply pipes are being installed, wiring for climate control systems and other tasks are being tackled,
• low-current engineering networks are being installed.

It's safe to say that the main engineering networks are virtually complete.

Inside the building, work is also underway on the engineering networks and interior finishing:

• the entrance area of the office and amenity complex is being prepared for floor tiling,
• part of the frames for glass enclosures have been assembled,
• partition walls and doors have been put up in the control room, the ceiling has been painted.

Learn more about these and other construction activities in the video by following this link.